React Concurrent Rendering: A Deep Dive into the Future of React Performance


React Concurrent Rendering is an experimental feature that aims to improve the performance and user experience of React applications. It allows React to work on multiple tasks simultaneously, without blocking the main thread, leading to a smoother and more responsive user interface.

In this blog post, we will dive deep into the world of React Concurrent Rendering, exploring its benefits, how it works, and how you can start using it in your applications today.

What is Concurrent Rendering?

In traditional React applications, rendering updates are synchronous and block the main thread. This means that, while React is busy updating the DOM, the browser cannot respond to user input, leading to a slow and unresponsive user interface.

Concurrent Rendering is a new approach that allows React to work on multiple tasks at the same time without blocking the main thread. This is achieved by breaking down the rendering work into smaller chunks and interleaving them with other tasks, such as user input and animations.

By utilizing the browser’s concurrency features, React can now prioritize important updates and defer less critical ones, leading to a smoother and more responsive user experience.

Benefits of Concurrent Rendering

Concurrent Rendering brings several benefits to React applications, including:

  1. Improved Responsiveness: By allowing React to work on multiple tasks simultaneously, the user interface remains responsive even during heavy updates and rendering.
  2. Prioritized Updates: React can now prioritize important updates, such as user input and animations, over less critical ones, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  3. Automatic Batching: Concurrent Rendering enables automatic batching of multiple updates, reducing the overall rendering time and improving performance.
  4. Suspend and Resume: React can now suspend and resume rendering tasks, allowing for better control over the rendering process and improved resource management.

How Concurrent Rendering Works

Concurrent Rendering relies on the browser’s built-in concurrency features, such as requestAnimationFrame, requestIdleCallback, and the MessageChannel API, to schedule and manage rendering tasks.

React breaks down the rendering work into smaller chunks called “fibers” and assigns a priority level to each fiber based on its importance. High-priority fibers, such as user input and animations, are processed first, while low-priority fibers, such as offscreen updates, are deferred until the browser has idle time.

By interleaving rendering tasks with other browser tasks, React can now work on multiple tasks simultaneously without blocking the main thread, leading to a smoother and more responsive user interface.

The New React Concurrent Mode

To enable Concurrent Rendering, React introduces a new experimental mode called “Concurrent Mode”. This mode is opt-in and can be enabled by wrapping your application in the React.StrictMode component and using the ReactDOM.createRoot API to render your application.

When Concurrent Mode is enabled, React will automatically prioritize updates based on their importance and interleave rendering tasks with other browser tasks, leading to a smoother and more responsive user interface.

How to Use Concurrent Rendering in Your Application

To start using Concurrent Rendering in your React application, follow these steps:

  1. Update React and ReactDOM: Make sure you are using the latest version of React and ReactDOM that supports Concurrent Mode.
  2. Enable Strict Mode: Wrap your application in the React.StrictMode component to enable Concurrent Mode and other experimental features.
  3. Use the ReactDOM.createRoot API: Instead of using ReactDOM.render, use the ReactDOM.createRoot API to render your application. This API enables Concurrent Rendering and other advanced features.

Here’s an example of how to enable Concurrent Rendering in a React application:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';

const root = document.getElementById('root');

    <App />

Keep in mind that Concurrent Rendering is still experimental and may not be suitable for production use. However, it’s a great way to start exploring the future of React performance and user experience.

While Concurrent Mode offers several advantages, it also comes with some cons:

  1. Experimental status: Concurrent Mode is still experimental, which means it may not be suitable for production use and may have some bugs or unexpected behavior.
  2. Semantic changes: Opting into Concurrent Mode introduces semantic changes to how React works, which means you can’t use Concurrent Mode in just a few components. This could make migrating to Concurrent Mode challenging for some applications.
  3. Learning curve: Developers may need to familiarize themselves with new concepts and APIs introduced in Concurrent Mode, which could lead to a steeper learning curve.

Please note that these cons might be addressed as the React team continues to work on and improve Concurrent Mode.


React Concurrent Rendering is an exciting new feature that promises to bring significant performance improvements and a smoother user experience to React applications. By leveraging the browser’s concurrency features, React can now work on multiple tasks simultaneously without blocking the main thread, leading to a more responsive user interface.

Although Concurrent Rendering is still experimental, it’s worth exploring and understanding how it can benefit your applications in the future. As React continues to evolve and improve, Concurrent Rendering will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping the future of React performance and user experience.

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