What You Need To Know About React’s Strict Mode

React Strict Mode: An Introduction

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is used by developers all over the world to create complex web applications with ease. One of the features that React provides is “Strict Mode”. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what React Strict Mode is and how it can benefit your application.

What is React Strict Mode?

React Strict Mode is a tool that helps you write better React code by highlighting potential issues in your codebase. It does this by enabling additional checks and warnings in the React runtime. These checks help you catch common mistakes and bugs earlier in the development process.

React Strict Mode can be enabled globally in your application by wrapping your root component in a <React.StrictMode> component. This will enable strict mode for all child components as well. Alternatively, you can enable strict mode for individual components by wrapping them in a <React.StrictMode> component.

Benefits of React Strict Mode

  1. Identifying and Preventing Common Bugs

React Strict Mode can help identify and prevent common bugs such as unsafe lifecycle methods, deprecated APIs, and incorrect usage of React hooks. It will also warn you about the use of legacy context APIs, which have been replaced by new APIs.

  1. Detecting Deprecated APIs

React Strict Mode can also help you detect deprecated APIs. Deprecated APIs are APIs that have been marked for removal in future versions of React. By detecting deprecated APIs early, you can avoid using them in your code and prevent your code from breaking in future versions of React.

  1. Encouraging Best Practices

React Strict Mode encourages best practices in your codebase. It warns you about the use of unsafe legacy APIs and encourages you to use the latest APIs instead. It also enforces strict rules for the use of React hooks, which can help prevent common bugs and improve the overall quality of your code.

  1. Improving Performance

React Strict Mode can also improve the performance of your application. It does this by enabling additional checks that can help identify performance issues in your code. For example, it will warn you about unnecessary re-renders and other performance bottlenecks.


React Strict Mode is a powerful tool that can help you write better React code. It can help identify and prevent common bugs, detect deprecated APIs, encourage best practices, and improve the performance of your application. By enabling React Strict Mode in your application, you can catch potential issues early and improve the overall quality of your codebase.

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