How Chrome V8 Garbage Collection Works effectively

In the world of JavaScript development, efficient memory management is crucial for building applications. This way apps perform well and offer a smooth user experience. At the core of this task in many JavaScript environments, including Google Chrome, is the V8 JavaScript engine. An essential component of V8’s memory management is its garbage collection (GC) system. GC is responsible for automatically detecting and reclaiming memory that is no longer in use by the application. This prevents memory leaks and ultimately program crashes.

How Garbage Collection Works in V8

Chrome V8 Garbage Collection is a complex, but largely transparent, process. It works silently in the background, cleaning up unused memory without direct intervention from the developers. While this abstraction is helpful, understanding the underlying mechanisms can be beneficial for optimizing application performance.

The Basics of Memory Allocation in V8

V8 uses a method called dynamic memory allocation. JavaScript values (e.g., objects, strings) are allocated memory at the moment they are created. V8 needs a way to free up space taken by values that are no longer needed, since the computer memory is finite. Here is where garbage collection comes into play.

Generational Garbage Collection

Chrome V8 Garbage Collection employs a generational approach to garbage collection. The concept is based on the empirical observation that most objects die young. Meaning they can be collected shortly after their allocation. To optimize for this, V8 differentiates between short-lived objects and longer-lived ones and handles them differently.

  1. New space (young generation): This is where most objects are allocated initially. The young generation space is small and GC runs here frequently. When an object survives a garbage collection, it can be promoted to the old space.
  2. Old Space (old generation): Longer-lived objects reside here. Collecting garbage from the old space is usually more costly in terms of processing time, so it happens less frequently.

The generational approach allows V8 to perform fast, incremental garbage collections in the new space. It defers the more intensive old space collection until necessary. This balances the need for timely memory reclamation with the need to keep the program running efficiently.

Mark-Sweep and Mark-Compact Algorithms used by Chrome V8 Garbage Collection

Within these two spaces, V8 mainly uses two algorithms for garbage collection:

  1. Mark-Sweep: In a mark-sweep collection, the GC traverses the object graph starting from root pointers (e.g., variables stored in the call stack, global object) and marks all reachable (live) objects. All objects that are not marked during this phase are considered unreachable (dead) and can be safely collected.
  2. Mark-Compact: This algorithm is an enhancement of the mark-sweep. After marking live objects, it proceeds to move them to be contiguous in memory, which helps reduce memory fragmentation. Any leftover space is now free in a large block, which makes future allocations faster and reduces the likelihood of exhausting the memory.

Incremental and Concurrent Chrome V8 Garbage Collection

V8 aims to minimize the impact of garbage collection pauses on the application’s responsiveness. To achieve this, it uses incremental and concurrent garbage collection techniques.

  • Incremental GC: Instead of stopping the whole program to perform the entire GC cycle at once, V8 breaks down the GC work into smaller pieces. These pieces can be executed between the execution of the JavaScript code. This keeps GC pauses short and less noticeable.
  • Concurrent GC: With concurrent GC, some of the garbage collection work is performed alongside the application’s runtime without stopping the JavaScript execution. This greatly reduces GC-induced jank, especially important for smooth animations and interactions in the browser.

Improved Parallel Garbage Collection during Browser Idle Time

Starting from Chrome 41, V8 has been using idle time to hide expensive memory management operations. This technique allows the engine to perform garbage collection tasks during small chunks of otherwise unused idle time. Thereby reducing the interference with the application’s main thread. The V8 engine tries to fit as much marking work as possible into these idle times based on the average measured marking speed.

Moreover, the V8 engine’s garbage collection approach has evolved over the years. The Orinoco garbage collector, for instance, represents a shift towards a mostly parallel and concurrent collector with incremental fallback capabilities. This means that, while the main application is running, V8 can concurrently dispose of unused memory without having to stop the world. Embedding environments like Chrome have a general understanding of free or idle times, which V8 leverages. For example, at a framerate of 60 frames per second, Chrome has around 16.6 milliseconds to render each frame. If after rendering it still has time left within that 16.6 milliseconds timeslot, it will utilize the remaining time to run garbage collection.

Idle time garbage collection scheduling in V8 has shown significant improvements in both latency and memory consumption for web applications. By allocating memory management tasks to periods when the browser is idle, V8 can reduce the perceptible delays (jank) caused by garbage collection. Thereby offering a smoother user experience without sacrificing performance.

Impact on Application Performance

While V8 does an admirable job of managing the garbage collection process with minimal intervention, developers can take certain steps to write more memory-efficient code:

  • Minimize the number mining unnecessary or redundant objects.
  • Use local variables inside functions where possible, as they are more likely to be allocated in the new space and collected quickly.
  • Avoid global variables that can inadvertently keep objects in the old space longer than needed.
  • Be aware of closures that may prevent objects from being garbage-collected due to lexical scoping.


The Chrome V8 engine’s garbage collection mechanisms have been iteratively refined to ensure memory is managed efficiently. They operate under sophisticated algorithms tailored to the dynamic nature of JavaScript allocation patterns, balancing performance with the seamless freeing up of memory. Understanding these inner workings is not just an academic exercise—it empowers developers to write better, more performance-conscious code. As V8 continues to evolve, it is reasonable to expect even more advanced and fine-tuned garbage collection features to emerge, sustaining JavaScript’s pivotal role in modern web development.

Hope you found this post useful, if you need more understanding on the V8’s Garbage Collection here is another interesting article on

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